Look on the back of your most used conventional household products and I bet you can spot the word “fragrance” or “parfum” in the long list of ingredients. Do you know what they are? Many are pleasantly surprised that they aren’t just referring to good smells. In actuality, they are umbrella terms for a cocktail of many chemicals and can very well include potential toxins, carcinogens, and/or endocrine disruptors. Companies aren’t legally required to reveal what these ingredients are as it is deemed as “trade secret”.

Did you know according to EWG 22% of all cosmetics on the market may contain cancer-causing chemical toxins? Please note that ingredients like fragrance or parfum aren’t the only toxins in household/personal care products. There are MANY. Here is a list of the most common chemical toxins you may find:
- Phthalates (plastic containers, nail polish, air fresheners, hand soaps)
- Triclosan (dishwashing detergents)
- Ammonia (glass/window cleaners, jewelry polishing products)
- Flame retardants (baby strollers, crib mattresses, high chairs, furniture foam)
- Teflon (non-stick pans, floss)
- Azodicarbonamide (yoga mats, flip flops)
- 1,4-dioxane (cosmetics, deodorants)
- Triclosan (toothpaste)
- Formaldehyde (lotions, air fresheners, cleaning products)
- Toluene (nail polish, stain removers, candles)
So what do we, moms, do now? Well now that you know, let’s slowly go through our household and personal care products and make some swaps.
Mamas, I’m not telling you to immediately throw out all of your household products right now. Transitioning to a non-toxic lifestyle takes time and patience so begin by switching out one product at a time. I will be going over a list of the most common household/personal care products (and more) that may contain toxic chemicals. I will also include my favorite non-toxic swaps that are both affordable and effective!
Laundry detergent
Stain remover
Fabric softeners
- Wool dryer balls (with a few drops of your favorite essential oils for added fragrance)
Dishwasher detergent
Body wash
Nail polish
Multi-surface cleaner
- Branch Basics The Concentrate (linking the mini version that can make a whole bottle for only $10)
Dish soap
Toilet bowl cleaner
Glass/window cleaner
- 1 part white vinegar & 1 part water in a spray bottle (the best by far!)
Body Lotion
- Follain Candle N°1
- If you just want a nice smelling area in the home, diffusing 100% pure essential oils in a diffuser works great (Vitruvi is my favorite)
Crib Mattress
Yoga mat
I hope you enjoy trying out different non-toxic products! Let me know if you try them!
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